Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Computerization of medicolegal reports- Court notice on PIL filed by him.


  1. Dr. Indrajit khandekar. Your Cases relating to P.I.L are really a great cause for the people and public at large.

    Nowaday many pil are being filed on political motivation and other voidable reasons. On other hand pil filed by you have done that thing which not a single state government of maharashtra or any other previous regime have done such an act inspite of huge funds and many collegium of minister for department.

    I wish all my support and co-operation for the cause you have taken for upliftment of public at large.

    can i have your email id and phone no.

    I want the case no. of pil in which high court have directed for computerisation of forensic report.

    I will be very thankful to you for this if you mail me the order.

    Manish Kumar Singh

  2. Thank you Manish, for your words of appreciation. I will mail the relevant details to you.

  3. Sir
    Can you please post the link to the order
